Dreams of space warfare
Dreams of space warfare

Then in the near distance, visible just beyond the ghostly fountain, I clearly see not very far below me a long white roof belonging to an immense and magnificent structure I recognize as a church somewhere in Europe. I get the impression I’m flying above a large square or park in some great open city. I perceive something like a massive ghostly wave of glimmering white water arching protectively over them, which is barely discernible as it rises high into the sky. I become aware of something evocative of a giant fountain around which many, many mostly invisible people are gathered in the darkness. I experience the sensation of a force like a powerful wind beneath the palms of my hands-what I imagine the wings of an airplane might feel if it could feel. As I think- My Lord!-I’m propelled forward and upward. Outside it is nighttime, and I find myself in a great, absolutely vast expanse. Each narrow panel appears to represent a different era of earth’s history. The front is divided into panels, each containing a human figure or two, and one of them makes me think of an Etruscan wall painting. As I exit the room, I glance down at the elaborately embroidered garment I noticed I was wearing when I saw it reflected in the mirror. Pleased by what strikes me as an accurate reflection of myself, I pass right through the glass into a starry sky which leads me directly to a sunlit door. I’m smiling brightly, and look just as I do now except my hair is more golden.

dreams of space warfare

Curious, and knowing it won’t block my progress, I watch my image approaching. As I fly toward the door, I encounter a large mirror. I want out of here! I see light through a door at the other end of the large space. I exit the black elevator that has brought me to a spacious apartment room.

dreams of space warfare

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  • Dreams of space warfare